1 CPANDA, 2002; Cultural Initiatives Silicon Valley, 2005. The Creative Community Index is a research initiative that developed quantitative measures of cultural participation and creativity in the Silicon Valley. Surveys were conducted in 2002 and 2005.
2 Centre for Cultural Policy Research, 2004.
3 IP Academy. 2008.
4 Florida, 2002.
5 KAE European Affairs, 2009. This briefing note is a summary of key messages of KEA’s report ‘The Contribution of Culture to Creativity’, conducted for the European Commission in 2008–09; the full report can be accessed via KEA’s website (http://www.keanet.eu). Details of the index have been provided to the WIPO Economics and Statistics Division by the Head of KEA.
Sin embargo el modelo utilizado se parece más a lo que enuncia el siguiente grafico.
Fuente: http://www.globalinnovationindex.org/gii/main/fullreport/files/Chap1/Chapter6.pdf
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