viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Cómo se mide la creatividad en un país?

En el global innovation Index 2011 se indica una manera de hacerlo, soportado en otras metodologías utilizadas en otros países.

1 CPANDA, 2002; Cultural Initiatives Silicon Valley, 2005. The Creative Community Index is a research initiative that developed quantitative measures of cultural participation and creativity in the Silicon Valley. Surveys were conducted in 2002 and 2005.
2 Centre for Cultural Policy Research, 2004.
3 IP Academy. 2008.
4 Florida, 2002.
5 KAE European Affairs, 2009. This briefing note is a summary of key messages of KEA’s report ‘The Contribution of Culture to Creativity’, conducted for the European Commission in 2008–09; the full report can be accessed via KEA’s website ( Details of the index have been provided to the WIPO Economics and Statistics Division by the Head of KEA.

Sin embargo el modelo utilizado se parece más a lo que enuncia el siguiente grafico.


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